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Hey friends!

Well, it’s been a minute since I’ve written one of these. I’m sorry I haven’t been more in touch! Life has been just as chaotic as it was two years ago at the start of the pandemic. 

Two years. Yup, I said it. It’s been TWO YEARS. Can you believe it?

Two years of on and off again mask wearing. 

Two years of changing the menu and kitchen process (Remember curbside peanut butter sandwiches?)

Two years of pivoting. (Hope we never have to use this word again…)

Two years of grief for members in our community (including many of you)

BUT ALSO: two years of hugs (masked and all), cinnamon rolls, and a whole lotta joy. I’m exhausted. But man, I’m also thankful for this place and the Table family. 

My friend Ellister was running food the other day and came over just to say, “Maggie, I hope you know how special this place is — I have seen a lot in my life and I can tell you I haven’t seen a place that is this warm and welcoming. It is just so cool. I walk in and everyone says hey. I immediately feel loved. Plus, the food is off the chain!” 

Ellister gets what we’re about. What you’re about. He found us in the pandemic. He walked up when we were doing curbside takeout and asked about our mission. And he’s been coming to us ever since. Together, we’ve experienced two years of mask wearing, peanut butter sandwiches, grief, and a whole lotta joy and gratitude — and for that, I am thankful.

Thank you for making this mission happen every day for Ellister, for the hundreds of others who we serve each week, and for me. I truly feel lucky to do this work and feel even luckier to do it with you. If we made it through these past two years with this much joy, I can’t wait to see what’s coming our way next.  

HUGE hugs,

P.S. A few months ago, we launched our Table Neighbor campaign. Table Neighbors sustain us year-round through recurring monthly contributions. Just as you can always depend on good food and good community at the café, the café depends on our Table Neighbors for monthly support of our mission.

Join us as a Table Neighbor now using this link, come in for a cinnamon roll & coffee on us this March, and watch your inbox in the future for fun Table Neighbor treats throughout the year!